External Resources

External resources enable you to override portions of the player skin, or add custom external plugins. Please see the documentation on iframe and on-page plugins for more information.

OnPage resources

Iframe HTML5 player resources

Relative path resources at run time

The player library supports including runtime external resources. These resources should be relative to the page that the player is being embed on.
When you transition to production these resources should be moved to a CDN and referenced there.
	'targetId' : 'kaltura_player',
	'wid' : '_243342',
	'uiconf_id' : '5994862',
	'entry_id' : '0_uka1msg4',
	'flashvars': {
			'plugin' : true,
		"IframeCustomPluginCss1" : "externalResources/IframeCustomPluginCss1.css",
		"IframeCustomPluginJs1" : "externalResources/iframe_fooBarPlugin.js",
		"onPageJs1" : "externalResources/onPageJs1.js",
		"onPageCss1" :"externalResources/onPageCss1.css"

How do I build plugins and skins?

See full plugin and css player toolkit docs in the Knowledge center.