Kaltura Player API

This documentation covers version 2.85 of the html5 library.

kWidget API » UiVars » Player API » KWidget Server API »

kWidget Embedding API

The kWidget API is available after you include the Kaltura player library. kWidget provides embedding and basic utility functions. The Kaltura player library can be embeded into both Native Android and Native iOS.

Sample JavaScript Kaltura player library include :
<!-- Substitute {partner_id} for your Kaltura partner id, {uiconf_id} for uiconf player id -->
<script src="http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/{partner_id}/sp/{partnerId}00/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/{uiconf_id}/partner_id/{partnerId}"></script>
After you include the Kaltura player library, the following kWidget API is available:

kWidget.embed ( [targetId], settings)

Used to embed the Kaltura player against an element target in the DOM
  • targetId String ( Optional ) The DOM player target id attribute string. ( if not included, you must include targetId in "settings" object )
  • settings kWidget.settingsObject Object of settings to be used in embedding.
  • boolean|null Returns boolean false if id not found

kWidget.thumbEmbed ( [targetId], settings)

Used to embed a thumbnail player. When the user clicks on the thumbnail kWidget.embed will be called with the provided settings.
  • targetId String ( Optional ) The DOM player target id attribute string. ( if not included, you must include targetId in "settings" object
  • settings kWidget.settingsObject Object of settings to be used in embedding.

kWidget.getKalturaThumbUrl (settings)

Get video thumbnail URL.

kWidget.addReadyCallback (readyCallback)

Adds a ready callback to be called after the KDP or HTML5 player is ready.
  • readyCallback String Function to call after a player or widget is ready on the page.

kWidget.destroy (target)

Removes the player from the DOM.
  • target String The target element or element ID to destroy.

User Agent and Feature Detection

kWidget.isMobileDevice ()

If user agent identifies as mobile device ( android, iOS or windows phone )
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.supportsHTML5 ()

If the device or browser supports HTML5
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.supportsFlash ()

If the device or browser supports Flash ( version 10 and above )
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.isIOS ()

If user agent identifies as iOS device
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.isIE ()

If user agent identifies as Internet Explorer browser
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.isIE8 ()

If user agent identifies as Internet Explorer 8 browser
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.isAndroid ()

If user agent identifies as Android device
  • boolean true|false

kWidget.isWindowsDevice ()

If user agent identifies as Windows Phone device
  • boolean true|false

Settings Embed Object:


  • targetId String The DOM player target id attribute string if not defined as top level param.
  • wid String Widget id, usually the partner id prefixed by underscore.
  • uiconf_id Number ( Optional ) The player uiconf_id
  • entry_id String The content entry id. Can be left empty for a JavaScript based entry id.
  • flashvars Object Runtime configuration object, can override arbitrary uiVars and plugin config.
  • params Object Runtime configuration object, can override arbitrary uiVars and plugin config.
  • cache_st String ( Optional ) String to burst player cache
  • readyCallback Function ( Optional ) Local callback method to be called once player is ready for bindings. Player id is passes as an argument. See live example

    Server API requests ( kWidget.api )

    kWidget Server API enables direct Kaltura Server API calls from JavaScript. This should not be confused with the JavaScript client library, which offers object mappings and works with the code generated in the test me console.
    The Kaltura Server API offers minimal object validation, in exchange for being much smaller, and included with every kaltura player library include.

    Creating a kWidget API object, issue a playlist request, log the result:
    new kWidget.api( { 'wid' : '_243342', })
    .doRequest({'service':'playlist', 'action': 'execute', 'id': '1_e387kavu'}, 
    	function( data ){
    		console.log( data );
    For more examples see the kWidget.api test page.

    kWidget.api (apiObject, callback)

    The kWidget API object, used to create new instances of Kaltura API request.
    • apiObject kWidget.apiOptions Object of API settings to be used in API requests.
    • callback function Callback of API response, with data as the first argument.
    • kWidget.api Returns an instance of the kWidget API object.


    • wid String The partner id to be used in the API request.
    • ks String The Kaltura secret to be used in the request, if not supplied an anonymous KS will be generated and used.
    • serviceUrl String Can be overwritten to target a different Kaltura server.
    • serviceBase String Can be overwritten to alternate Kaltura service path.
    • statsServiceUrl String Default supplied via Kaltura library include, can be overwritten to alternate URL for core analytics events.
    • disableCache String Sends no-cache param to API, for a fresh result. Can hurt performance and CDN cachability should be used sparingly.

      Player Configuration key value pairs ( UiVars )

      Services » MediaEntry » Layout » Playback » PlayerProperties » MediaProxy » 

      UiVars enable configuration of all player features. There are two classes of UiVars:
      • top level configuration options
      • plugins configuration options
      These values can be set a few ways:

      Within the player studio UiVar configuration appears plugins -> uivars:

      You can control the raw JSON code for UiVars by modifying the "uiVars" section of the JSON config using the player version utility.

      	/* plugins go here */
         "uiVars": [{
      	"key": "autoPlay",
      	"value": false,
      	"overrideFlashvar": false
      Player configuration can be set at embed time as "flashvars":
      		"autoPlay": false
      All player properties can also be retrieved at runtime or used in plugins macro evaluations.
      kWidget.addReadyCallback( function(playerId){
      	alert( document.getElementById( playerId ).evaluate("{autoPlay}") );
      Finally many properties can be upated at runtime using setKDPAttribute.


      Kaltura service variables define define respective Kaltura API configuration.

      • Kaltura.ServiceUrl
        The API service URL, used to for all API calls. Can be overwritten for on-prem or api proxy setups.
      • Kaltura.ServiceBase
        URL Path on the server to the API services.
      • Kaltura.StatsServiceUrl
        The URL used for all Kaltura analytics events.
      • Kaltura.NoApiCache
        Set to true to disable the player API cache.
      • Kaltura.ForceIframeEmbed
        Set to true to force iframe output with player API. Useful for simulating iframe syndication environment.
      • Kaltura.KWidgetPsPath
        Used to append path to additional library of professional service scripts and plugins, that are outside the mwEmbed repository.
      • Kaltura.AllowIframeRemoteService
        By default external API service URLs are not allowed, set this to true to allow them
      • Kaltura.ForceFlashOnDesktop
        If the player should be forced to use flash on desktop (kdp only).
        Usage Example
      • ForceFlashOnDesktopSafari
        If the player should be forced to use flash on desktop Safari.
        Usage Example
      • Kaltura.EnableEmbedUiConfJs
        If the player should request uiConf Javascript prior to embed
        Usage Example
      • Kaltura.ForceFlashOnIE10
        Will force flash exclusively on IE10
      • Kaltura.IframeRewrite
        Enables the HTML5 player. A legacy flag to convert objects to iframes
      • Kaltura.LicenseServerURL
        The playReady license server URL.
      • Kaltura.BlackVideoSources
        A array of assets used for black video streams. Used to capture user gestures against a valid asset where the actual asset is not yet available
      • Kaltura.UseManifestUrls
        Used to designate usage of playMainfest URL type instead of legacy flvclipper Kaltura media URLs
      • Kaltura.CdnUrl
        The CDN URL used to construct Kaltura media asset URLs
      • Kaltura.Protocol
        The current protocol of player instance, http or https. Protocol relative urls can't be used where different CDN prefixes for secure and standard http
      • Kaltura.UseFlavorIdsUrls
        If the adaptive streams should be dynamically constructed passing along respective flavor list per device capabilities.
      • Kaltura.LeadHLSOnAndroid
        If Apple HLS streams should be used when available on Android devices, by default progressive streams are used on Android because of Android HLS compatibility issues.
        Usage Example
      • Kaltura.UseAppleAdaptive
        If apple HLS streams should be used when available
        Usage Example
      • LeadWithHLSOnFlash
        If Apple HLS streams should be on desktop browsers where Flash and an HLS stream are available
        Usage Example
      • forceHDS
        Force HDS streamerType for Kaltura Live (HLS by default)
      • ignoreAkamaiHD
        Play HDS without AkamaiHD plugin (the plugin is loaded by default for HDNETWORK or HDNETWORK_HDS streamerTypes)
      • host
        The URL of the Kaltura server to work with
      • cdnHost
        The base URL of the CDN to load media and assets from
            The host parameter value
      • clientTag
        A custom text that is concatenated to KDP version. The tag is used by the Kaltura server widget caching mechanism and for tracking and analytics
      • srvUrl
        Reserved for future use, determine the API services part of the base Kaltura API calls
        Legacy Only
      • partnerId
        The id of the current Kaltura partner
      • ks
        Kaltura Session
            By default, the KDP generates a KS by calling the widget.get API
      • referrer
        The URL of the hosting web page for tracking and analytics
      • disableReferrerOverride
        Flag indicating whether to take the referrer from the page (if true) or from the referrer Flashvar (if false)
        Legacy Only
      • storageId
        This Flashvar contains the storageId from which the entry loads (assuming there is such storage. If there isn't, there is no reason to pass this Flashvar)
      • jsTraces
        Flag indicating whether to print traces to a box in the page. Useful when there's no Flash debugger version
        Legacy Only
      • centerPreloader
        Flag indicating whether to center the preloader SWF. Should be true in case the preloader registration point is not at its center.
        Legacy Only
      • usePreloaderBufferAnimation
        Flag indication whether we should use the preloader SWF animation as the buffering animation. if "false", buffering animation is taken from "kspin" class in KDP skin.
        Legacy Only
      • httpProtocol
        The HTTP protocol to load the KDP application from
            Trimmed protocol of the URL the KDP was loaded from
        Legacy Only
      • strings.ks-no-flash-installed
        No Flash installed message for IE8 users. This Flashvar can be used only through mw.setConfig(). For example: mw.setConfig( 'strings.ks-no-flash-installed' , 'Flash Player nėra įdiegtas jūsų kompiuteryje' ); Note: IE8 may parse utf-8 characters incorrectly. To translate the message, save the HTML file with UTF-8 encoding and add a META tag to the HEAD of the HTML page: <META http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
            Flash does not appear to be installed or active. Please install or activate Flash.


      Kaltura mediaEntry variables enable controls of flavor and protocol selection.

      • entryId
        Valid Kaltura media entry id. To support directly assigning media see MediaProxy
        Usage Example
      • referenceId
        Reference Id is an alternate unique identifier for media assets. Can be used instead of the entry id. The player will use the first found matching referenceId found.
        Usage Example
      • flavorId
        The flavor asset id of the media entry being played (applicable only when sourceType=entryId)
      • sourceType
        The type of media source to load, either a URL or id of valid Kaltura media entry
        Legacy Only
      • streamerType
        The media source streaming protocol to use (http / rtmp / live / hdnetwork / auto ). Auto will select http or adaptive based on content length and protocols available on the platform.
      • streamerUrl
        A full RTMP URL to the streaming application that will be used as the streaming provider, e.g. 'rtmp://rtmpakmi.kaltura.com/ondemand' (Used by the FMSURL OSMF class)
        Legacy Only
      • streamFormat
        Defines the video type of the RTMP stream to be played. To play mp4 streams over RTMP, pass streamFormat=mp4
        Legacy Only
      • rtmpFlavors
        Determine whether to use a multi-bitrate content flavors for dynamic streaming (set to 1)
        Legacy Only
      • useRtmptFallback
        Flag indicating whether KDP should try to connect to rtmpt/rtmpte when mediaProtocol is rtmp/rtmpe.
        Legacy Only
      • disableBitrateCookie
        Flag indicating whether the KDP should take the bitrate from the Flash cookie
      • requiredMetadataFields
        This Flashvar is a flag indicating whether the player should request entry metadata
      • metadataProfileId
        This Flashvar contains a specific custom metadata profile id to deliver. If it is not passed, the KDP delivers the latest custom metadata profile
      • getCuePointsData
        This Flashvar is a flag indicating whether the player should deliver cue-point data related to the current playing entry
      • loadThumbnailWithKs
        Flag indicating whether the KDP should append the KS to the thumbnail request. Default value "false" to take advantage of caching.
      • loadThumbnailWithReferrer
        Flag indicating whether the KDP should append the referrer to the thumbnail serve request. Default value "false" to take advantage of caching.
      • noThumbnail
        Flag indicating whether the KDP should forgo loading the thumbnail
        Legacy Only
      • liveCore.showThumbnailWhenOffline
        Flag indicating whether the the default thumbnail should be shown if live stream becomes offline


      Controls basic layout properties and provides access to player config ids.

      • widgetId
        The widget id as provided by Preview & Embed in KMC (if unsure use _partnerId e.g. _309)
      • uiConfId
        The player uiConf id as provided by KMC (or by calling uiConf.add api)
      • disableAlerts
        Disable the alert boxes
      • debugMode
        Reserved for future use or use by plugins; Usually used to allow Flash trace commands
      • disableOnScreenClick
        This Flashvar configures whether the on-screen click in KDP pauses/resumes playback
      • KalturaSupport_ForceUserAgent
        Enable forcing a specific user agent by setting the user agent string. Player rules are validated against this user agent string
      • disableForceMobileHTML5
        Disables forced usage of the HTML5 player set by the forceMobileHTML5 Flash var
        Usage Example
      • forceMobileHTML5
        When set to true, forces the usage of the HTML5 player
        Usage Example
      • alertForCookies
        When set to true, pops a user confirmation alert when the player needs to save a cookie in the local machine
        Usage Example
      • fileSystemMode
        Use to load the uiConf XML and skin assets from predefined path when debugging or loading KDP from local file system
        Legacy Only
      • thumbnailUrl
        External thumbnail URL to load instead of the entry default thumbnail. Supports evaluated expressions within curly brackets
        Usage Example
      • kml
        The source from which to load the KDP uiConf (KML=Kaltura Meta ui Language). If undefined, the kml will be loaded from the Kaltura server via uiConf.get api. Options are: local / inject
        Legacy Only
      • kmlPath
        An accessible path to valid kml file (use with kml=local)
        Legacy Only
      • embeddedWidgetData
        Valid uiConf XML result, that is used by the 'KDP wrapper'; A Flash application that wraps the KDP for caching purposes
        Legacy Only
      • disableTrackElement
        Under iOS - if there are captions within the HLS stream, users should set disableTrackElement to true to prevent caption duplications
        Usage Example
      • KalturaSupport.LeadWithHTML5
        When set to true, first tries to load the HTML5 player and if loading fails, loads the Flash player
      • KalturaSupport.PlayerConfig
        The Kaltura player configuration object


      UiVars for contoling basic playback.

      • autoPlay
        Auto play single media (doesn't apply to playlists)
        Usage Example
      • EmbedPlayer.WebKitPlaysInline
        Determines if should play the video inline when inside a webview on iOS.
      • autoMute
        Determine whether to start playback with volume muted (usually used by video ads or homepage auto play videos)
        Usage Example
      • loop
        Indicates whether the media should be played again after playback has completed
        Usage Example
      • enableControlsDuringAd
        If true, play pause button will be active during ad playback
        Usage Example
      • adsOnReplay
        Indicates whether to play ads after video replay
        Usage Example
      • autoRewind
        Determine whether the first or the last frame of the media will show when playback ends
        Legacy Only
      • stretchVideo
        When true, stretchs the video to fill its container even if video aspect ratio breaks
        Legacy Only


      Properties that control basic embed and player types.

      • EmbedPlayer.DisableVideoTagSupport
        If video tag support should be disabled all-together
      • EmbedPlayer.DisableHTML5FlashFallback
        If detected, browser Flash support should be ignored and Flash support should be set to false. This eliminates support for Flash based playback.
      • EmbedPlayer.UseFlashOnAndroid
        If on Android, should use HTML5 ( even if Flash is installed on the machine )
      • EmbedPlayer.RewriteSelector
        What tags will be re-written to video player by default. Set to empty string or null to avoid automatic video tag rewrites to embedPlayer
      • EmbedPlayer.DefaultSkin
        Default player skin name
      • EmbedPlayer.MonitorRate
        Number of milliseconds between interface updates
      • EmbedPlayer.DefaultSize
        Default video size ( if no size provided )
      • EmbedPlayer.ReplaceSources
        Can be used to set player sources via configuration
      • EmbedPlayer.BlackPixel
        A Base64 black pixel image for source switching
      • EmbedPlayer.DisableEntryCache
        When set to true, entry data is not saved in the player cache. This can improve performances, especially when using long play lists
        Usage Example
      • EmbedPlayer.NativeControls
        Determines if mwEmbed should use the Native player controls. This will prevent video tag rewriting and skinning. Useful for devices such as iPad / iPod that don't fully support DOM overlays or don't expose full-screen functionality to JavaScript
        Usage Example
      • EmbedPlayer.EnableIpadHTMLControls
        Determines if iPad should use HTML controls. With HTML controls you can't access native fullscreen. With HTML controls you can support HTML themed controls, overlays, ads etc.
      • EmbedPlayer.OverlayControls
        Determines if the player controls should be overlaid on top of the video ( if supported by playback method)
      • EmbedPlayer.ShareEmbedMode
        The default share embed mode ( can be 'iframe' or 'xssVideo' )
      • EmbedPlayer.EnableURLTimeEncoding
        Determines if embedPlayer should support server side temporal URLs for seeking
      • EmbedPlayer.DefaultImageDuration
        Default duration for playing images
      • EmbedPlayer.SeekTargetThreshold
        Seek target precision threshold. Will not seek if difference between playback element time and seek target time is lower than the specified value
      • EmbedPlayer.EnableFullscreen
        If fullscreen is globally enabled
      • EmbedPlayer.NewWindowFullscreen
        Determines if fullscreen should pop-open a new window ( instead of trying to expand the video player to browser fullscreen )
      • EmbedPlayer.EnableIpadNativeFullscreen
        Whether to use the native device fullscreen call on iPad
      • EmbedPlayer.EnableNativeChromeFullscreen
        Whether to use the native device fullscreen call on Android Chrome
      • EmbedPlayer.FullScreenZIndex
        The z-index given to the player interface during full screen ( high z-index )
      • EmbedPlayer.CodecPreference
        The preferred media codec preference ('h264', 'webm', 'ogg')
      • EmbedPlayer.ShowPosterOnStop
        When set to true, shows the movie thumbnail upon movie ends
      • EmbedPlayer.HidePosterOnStart
        When set to true, movie thumbnail doesn't show upon movie load (before playback starts)
      • EmbedPlayer.ShowOriginalPoster
        When set to true, the thumbnail is loaded with its original size
        Usage Example
      • EmbedPlayer.ControlsHeight
        Default player controls size
      • EmbedPlayer.HoverOutTimeout
        Default Timeout (in milliseconds) for Player controls hover out
      • EmbedPlayer.EnableRightClick
        If users can right click on the player
      • EmbedPlayer.ShowNativeWarning
        Set the browser player warning flag displays warning for non optimal playback
      • EmbedPlayer.WaitForMeta
        If the player should wait for metadata like video size and duration before trying to draw the player interface.
      • EmbedPlayer.ForceKPlayer
        Force loading the legacy KDP Flash video player.
        Usage Example
      • EmbedPlayer.ForceSPlayer
        Force loading the Silverlight video player.
      • EmbedPlayer.iPhoneShowHTMLPlayScreen
        By default, an HTML play screen is displayed with image, thumb and play button. If you are not using ad plugins you may want to set this to false and display the native play button
      • EmbedPlayer.twoPhaseManifestHlsAndroid
        If the player should load the final location of m3u8 file and not a URL that redirects to the m3u8 file on Android set this flag to true
      • EmbedPlayer.DisableBufferingSpinner
        If the player should hide the loading spinner when it is in buffering mode
      • EmbedPlayer.DisableContextMenu
        Disables the player's right-click context menu
        Usage Example
      • EmbedPlayer.KeepPoster
        Keeps the entry thumbnail shown during playback (covers the video)


      The MediaProxy object is responsible for referencing and loading of the current playing media.

      • mediaProxy.entry
        Supports partial or complete override of entry object.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.entryCuePoints
        Supports partial or complete override of player cuePoints.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.contextData
        Supports partial or complete override of entry access control restriction.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.entryMetadata
        Supports partial or complete override of entry custom metadata.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.sources
        Supports partial or complete override of entry media sources.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.selectedFlavorId
        The transcoding flavor currently playing. A valid id of a transcoding flavor associated with Kaltura entry currently being played
        Legacy Only
      • mediaProxy.preferedFlavorBR
        A prefered bitrate for selecting the flavor to be played (progressive download and RTMP). In case of an RTMP adaptive mbr, a -1 value will force an auto switching as opposed to manual one. Will be affective only if the "disableBitrateCookie=true" Flashvar is sent.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.imageDefaultDuration
        In case an Image media is played in a playlist, this value sets the default time period that the image will hold until the next image is presented. Any positive number representing seconds is acceptable
      • mediaProxy.supportImageDuration
        This is used to turn an image to a timed image. It is useful in case of playlist where an image should only show for a specific time before the next item will show. If the image should show without time (static), set this to false
            true in case of playlists, false in case of single image
        Legacy Only
      • mediaProxy.initialBufferTime
        Set the initial buffer time in dual buffering method. When a number of seconds indicated by this parameter will be buffered, the stream playback will start and the buffer size will increase to expandedBufferTime. Any positive number representing the number of seconds the buffer should hold before playback
        Legacy Only
      • mediaProxy.expandedBufferTime
        Set the desired buffer time in dual buffering method. After the stream buffer has accumulated the number of seconds indicated by initialBufferTime, the buffer size increases to the number of seconds indicated by this parameter to maximize the buffer download size during playback. Any positive number representing the desired seconds to buffer
        Legacy Only
      • mediaProxy.mediaPlayFrom
        Indicates the time from which to play the media. If passed and unequal to 0, the player seeks to this time before beginning to play content.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.mediaPlayTo
        Indicates the time to which to play the media. If passed and unequal to 0, the player pauses upon arrival at this time
        Usage Example

      KDP Components & Plugins:

      Using a standard OOP dot notation, each KDP component and plugin attribute can be overridden via Flashvars: objectId.parameter=value.
      For example, to set the playlist to load automatically, pass the following Flashvar: playlistAPI.autoPlay=true

      Code sample:
        "targetId": "kaltura_player_1402219661",
        "wid": "_1645161",
        "uiconf_id": 24231962,
        "flashvars": {
      		'autoMute': true,
      		'autoPlay': false,
      		'adsOnReplay': true,
      		'imageDefaultDuration': 5,
      		'mediaProxy.preferedFlavorBR': 1400,
      		'closedCaptions': {
      				'layout': 'ontop',
      				'useCookie': true,
      				'defaultLanguageKey': 'en',
      				'fontsize': 12,
      				'bg' : '0x335544',
      				'fontFamily' : 'Arial',
      				'fontColor' : '0xFFFFFF',
      				'useGlow' : 'false',
      				'glowBlur': 4,
      				'glowColor': '0x133693'
        "cache_st": 1402219661,
        "entry_id": "1_a3njcsia"

      Player API

      The JavaScript API is a two-way communication channel that lets the player communicate what it is doing and lets you instruct the player to perform operations.
      For more information: JavaScript API for Kaltura Media Players

      Available JavaScript API:

      Ready Notifications sendNotification Bind unBind Evaluate Update properties

      Receiving notification that the player API is ready

      See kWidget.addReadyCallback or the "readyCallback" function within a dynamic embed.

      Calling a player method from JavaScript

      Use the sendNotification method to create custom notifications that instruct the player to perform an action, such as play, seek, or pause.

      sendNotification (notificationName, [notificationData])

      Call a KDP notification (perform actions using this API, for example: play, pause, changeMedia, etc.)
      • notificationName String The name of notification to call.
      • notificationData Object ( Optional ) The custom data to pass with the notification.

      Code sample:
      kWidget.addReadyCallback( function( playerId ){
      	var kdp = document.getElementById( playerId );
      	kdp.kBind( 'mediaReady', function(){
      		// Seek to 30 seconds from the start of the video
      		kdp.sendNotification("doSeek", 30);

      Available Notifications:

      • doPause
        Pauses media playback.
        Usage Example
      • doPlay
        Plays media. If in stopped state will initiate playback sequence.
        Usage Example
      • doStop
        Stops media playback. Will pause and move the playhead to 0.
        Usage Example
      • doSeek
        Issues a seek.
        Notification Data: FloatSeconds of target seek position.
        kdp.sendNotification("doSeek", 30);

        Usage Example
      • changeMedia
        Change the current media entry within the player.
        Notification Data: ObjectData object can specify an entryId or referenceId
        kdp.sendNotification("changeMedia", { "entryId" : "0_wm82kqmm" });
        kdp.sendNotification("changeMedia", { "mediaProxy" : mediaProxyObject });

        Usage Example
      • changeVolume
        Change the audio volume
        Notification Data: FloatVolume value from 0 to 1
        kdp.sendNotification("changeVolume", 0.5);

        Usage Example
      • cleanMedia
        Cleans the media from the player.
      • doSwitch
        Command the player to manually switch between streams within the resource.
        Notification Data: ObjectSwitch to a target flavor index
        kdp.sendNotification("doSwitch", { flavorIndex: 3 });
      • changePreferredBitrate
        Change the preferedFlavorBR on mediaProxy.vo object
        Notification Data: The new preferred bitrate
        Legacy Only
      • doReplay
        Re-plays the video
      • alert
        Pop up an alert
        Notification Data: message: alert message, title: alert title
        Usage Example
      • showUiElement
        Show/hide an element from the layout
        Notification Data: id: ID of the element, show: true / false
        Legacy Only
      • removeAlerts
        Fired when all alerts popped by the player need to be removed
        Notification Data: None
        Legacy Only
      • enableGui
        Enable or Disable GUI
        Notification Data: { guiEnabled: true / false, enableType: full / controls }
        Usage Example
      • cancelAlerts
        Hide Alerts at the Alerts Mediator
        Notification Data: None
        Legacy Only
      • liveEntry
        Call the LiveStream command which tests whether the stream is currently on air
        Notification Data: The URL resource of the played entry
        Legacy Only
      • showClosedCaptions
        Display closed captions
        Notification Data: None
        Usage Example
      • hideClosedCaptions
        Hide closed captions
        Notification Data: None
        Usage Example

      Registering to a player event ( kBind )

      Use the kBind method to add listen for a specific notification that something happened in the player, such as the video is playing or is paused.

      kBind (eventName, callback)

      Register a JavaScript handler function for a KDP notification
      • eventName String The name of the notification to listen to. Can be namespaced for easy group event removal.
      • callback String A function to be called when the named event is triggered.

      Code sample:
      kWidget.addReadyCallback(function( playerId ){
      	var kdp = document.getElementById( playerId );
      	// binds an event and namespces it to "myPluginName"
      	kdp.kBind("playerUpdatePlayhead.myPluginName", function( data, id ){
      		// data = the player's progress time in seconds
      		// id = the ID of the player that fired the notification

      Un-registering a player event

      Use the kUnbind method to remove a listener that is no longer needed.

      Removing event listeners that are no longer needed can improve performance

      Code sample:
      kWidget.addReadyCallback(function( playerId ){
      	var kdp = document.getElementById( playerId );
      	// removes all events namespaced with "myPluginName"
      	// removes events by event name: 

      Player Life Cycle:

      • startUp
        The first command that registers the main proxys and main view mediator.
        Callback Args:
            Root of the application
        Legacy Only
      • initiatApp
        Start the init macro commands.
        Legacy Only
      • skinLoaded
        Dispatched when the skin is loaded.
        Legacy Only
      • skinLoadFailed
        Dispatched when the skin load failed.
        Legacy Only
      • sourceReady
        When the source is ready use to set the media element to the media player.
        Legacy Only
      • kdpReady
        Notify that the application is ready to be used and events can be listened to and that the loaded entry is ready to be played.
      • kdpEmpty
        Notify that the application is ready to be used and events can be listened to, but no media was loaded
      • layoutReady
        Dispatched when the init macro command is done and the layout is ready
      • layoutBuildDone
        Dispatched when the player layout is ready and rendered on the screen
      • playerReady
        Dispatches when the player is ready to play the media. playerReady event is dispatched each time media is changed.
      • pluginsLoaded
        Notification fired when all plugins finished the loading process.
        Callback Args:
            Plugins map object. Every key is a plugin ID, value is the status of the plugin (see PluginStatus class)
        Legacy Only
      • singlePluginLoaded
        Notification fired when a single plugin is ready
        Callback Args:
            The plugin ID
        Legacy Only
      • singlePluginFailedToLoad
        Notification fired when a single plugin failed to load
        Callback Args:
            The plugin ID
        Legacy Only
      • readyToPlay
        Notification added with version 3.5.0, signifies that an entry / media is ready to be played in the KDP
        Callback Args:
        Legacy Only
      • readyToLoad
        Dispatched when the skin is loaded.
        Callback Args:
      • entryReady
        The Entry is set
        Callback Args:
            The entry object (KalturaBaseEntry)
      • entryFailed
        Get Entry failed
        Callback Args:
      • entryNotAvailable
        Notification fired when the BaseEntry object has been retrieved but KDP can't play the entry. Possible reasons: status not ready / moderation status/ access control
        Callback Args:
            entryId: The new entry ID
        Legacy Only
      • mediaReady
        The loadable media has completed loading
        Callback Args:
      • mediaError
        The player notify on media error
        Callback Args:
            errorEvent: the media error event (MediaErrorEvent)
      • mediaLoaded
        MediaLoaded is triggered between each content load. i.e once between every item in a playlist. It indicates the mediaProxy is populated with entry metadata and the metadata from the content media asset or manifest has been loaded
        Callback Args:

      Player State Events:

      • firstPlay
        Triggered once per content entry when first played. If user initiates a replay this is a new content playback sequence and will triger firstPlay again.
      • firstQuartile
        The player reached 25% of the entry playback
      • secondQuartile
        The player reached 50% of the entry playback
      • thirdQuartile
        The player reached 75% of the entry playback
      • playerPlayEnd
        The played media has reached the end of content playback.
        Callback Args:
      • durationChange
        Notify a change in the playing entry duration
        Callback Args:
            New duration value
      • rootResize
        The player parent was resized
        Callback Args:
            width: new width, height: new height
        Legacy Only
      • mediaViewableChange
        Used mainly to know when OSMF Media Player is viewable
        Callback Args:
        Legacy Only
      • playerStateChange
        Dispatched when media player's state has changed (OSMF MediaPlayerState: uninitialized / loading / ready / playing / paused / buffering / playbackError
        Callback Args:
            The new state (MediaPlayerState)
      • playerPaused
        The player is now in pause state
        Callback Args:
      • playerPlayed
        Triggered when the player enters a play state. This event be triggered multiple times during a single playback session. For example, playerPlayed will be triggered between ads and when the user plays content after pausing it.
        Callback Args:
      • userInitiatedPlay
        Triggered when the player enters a play state due to user action. For example, when user clicked the play button.
        Callback Args:
      • userInitiatedPause
        Triggered when the player enters a pause state due to user action. For example, when user clicked the pause button.
        Callback Args:
      • preSeek
        Notify about a seek activity that is about to start
        Callback Args:
            seekTime: The target time to seek to
      • seek
        Notify about a seek activity that started
        Callback Args:
            currentTime: The player current time when the seek operation starts
      • seeked
        Notify that the seek activity has finished
        Callback Args:
            seekedTime: The time that the player actually seeked to
      • userInitiatedSeek
        Triggered when the player performs a seek operation due to user action. For example, when user moves the scrubber head or clicks the scrubber track.
        Callback Args:
      • monitorEvent
        Triggers few times a second while the player plays. Used to update the play head and for sync tasks. The exact event interval is defined by the EmbedPlayer.MonitorRate Flashvar.
        Callback Args:
      • playerUpdatePlayhead
        An update event that notifies about the progress in time when playback is running
        Callback Args:
            Player current time
      • openFullScreen
        Player entered full screen mode
        Callback Args:
        Usage Example
      • closeFullScreen
        Player exited from full screen mode
        Callback Args:
        Usage Example
      • hasCloseFullScreen
        The fullscreen has just closed
        Callback Args:
        Usage Example
      • hasOpenedFullScreen
        The fullscreen was just activated
        Callback Args:
        Usage Example
      • volumeChanged
        Notification about a change in the player volume
        Callback Args:
            New volume value
      • volumeChangedEnd
        Notification fired when volumeChanged process ended (volume slider thumb release / volume button click). Saves value to cookie if possible
        Callback Args:
            New volume value
        Legacy Only
      • mute
        Notification fired when the player is muted
        Callback Args:
      • unmute
        Notification fired when the player is unmuted
        Callback Args:
      • bytesDownloadedChange
        Notify the current and the previous value of bytesDownloaded
        Callback Args:
            newValue: bytes loaded
      • bytesTotalChange
        Dispatched by the player when the value of the property 'bytesTotal' has changed
        Callback Args:
            newValue: total bytes
      • bufferProgress
        The player dispatches this event when the buffer time has changed
        Callback Args:
            newTime: new buffer time
      • bufferChange
        Dispatches when the player starts or stops buffering
        Callback Args:
            true / false
      • bufferStartEvent
        Dispatches when the player starts buffering
        Usage Example
      • bufferEndEvent
        Dispatches when the player starts buffering
        Callback Args:
            bufferTime: The amount of time since last buffer start event.
        Usage Example
      • scrubberDragStart
        The scrubber had started being dragged
        Callback Args:
        Legacy Only
      • scrubberDragEnd
        The scrubber had stopped being dragged
        Callback Args:
        Legacy Only
      • intelliSeek
        Notification fired when the player has started intelligent seeking
        Callback Args:
            intelliseekTo: new position to seek to
        Legacy Only
      • freePreviewEnd
        A notification that is called on the hosting page with content that should be purchased after a short preview
        Callback Args:
            id of the viewed entry
      • changeMediaProcessStarted
        Notification fired when the first mini-command of the ChangeMedia macro command has started
        Callback Args:
            entryId: The new entry ID
        Legacy Only
      • metadataReceived
        Notification fired when entry custom data was received
        Callback Args:
      • cuePointsReceived
        Notification fired when the player has successfully loaded an entry's cue-point configuration
        Callback Args:
            Cue Points Map. Object mapping between start-times and arrays of the cue points found on that start-time
      • cuePointReached
        Notification fired when the player reaches a cuePoint
        Callback Args:
            Current cuePoint object. Return Object with context and a cuePoint object
        Usage Example
      • switchingChangeStarted
        Notification dispatched when the player has started switching to a different dynamic bitrate
        Callback Args:
            newIndex: The index of the bitrate the player started switching to. If auto, send -1, newBitrate: The bitrate the player started switching to. If auto, send null
      • switchingChangeComplete
        Notification dispatched when the player has finished switching to a different dynamic bitrate
        Callback Args:
            currentIndex: The index of the bitrate that the player finished switching to, currentBitrate: The bitrate the player finished switching to
      • playbackComplete
        Signifies the end of a media in the player (can be either ad or content)
        Callback Args:
      • closedCaptionsHidden
        Notification dispatched when captions are hidden
        Callback Args:
      • closedCaptionsDisplayed
        Notification dispatched when captions are displayed
        Callback Args:
            language: the selected language
      • changedClosedCaptions
        Notification dispatched when captions language is changed
        Callback Args:
            language: the new selected language

      Player Advertisement Related Notifications:

      • adOpportunity
        Notification fired when the player's time progress reaches an ad cue point
        Callback Args:
            context: context of the ad opportunity: pre, post, mid, cuePoint: the cue point object
        Usage Example
      • sequenceItemPlayStart
        Signifies the start of an entry that is part of a sequence
        Callback Args:
            sequenceContext: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class), currentIndex: index of current item
        Legacy Only
      • sequenceItemPlayEnd
        Signifies the end of an entry that is part of a sequence as opposed to the end of a regular entry
        Callback Args:
            sequenceContext: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class), currentIndex: index of current item
        Legacy Only
      • preSequenceStart
        Signifies the start of the pre-sequence
        Callback Args:
      • preSequenceComplete
        Signifies the end of the pre-sequence
        Callback Args:
      • postSequenceStart
        Signifies the start of the post-sequence
        Callback Args:
      • postSequenceComplete
        Signifies the end of the post-sequence
        Callback Args:
      • midSequenceStart
        Notification fired when the midroll sequence starts
        Callback Args:
      • midSequenceComplete
        Notification fired when the midroll sequence ends
        Callback Args:
      • bumperStarted
        Defines the value of the type property of a bumper start notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: preroll / postroll
        Legacy Only
      • bumperClicked
        Defines the value of the type property of a bumper click notification
        Callback Args:
        Legacy Only
      • adStart
        Defines the value of the type property of an ad start notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class)
      • onAdPlay
        Dispatched when the ad starts to play. Use this event to get the ad property values
        Callback Args:
            Ad ID, Ad System, Ad Type, Ad Position, Ad Duration, Ad Pod Position, Ad Pod start time, Ad title, Trafficking Parameters (DoubleClick only)
        Usage Example
      • adClick
        Defines the value of the type property of an ad click notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class)
      • adEnd
        Defines the value of the type property of an ad end notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class)
      • firstQuartileOfAd
        Defines the value of the type property of 25% of ad notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class)
        Legacy Only
      • midOfAd
        Defines the value of the type property of 50% of ad notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class)
        Legacy Only
      • ThirdQuartileOfAd
        Defines the value of the type property of 75% of ad notification
        Callback Args:
            timeSlot: pre / post / mid / main (see SequenceContextType class)
        Legacy Only
      • adErrorEvent
        Fired when an ad fails to load (applicable to all ad systems)
        Callback Args:

      Playlist and Related Notifications:

      • relatedVideoSelect
        Called when user clicks or auto continues to a related video.
        Callback Args:
            An object with "entryId" property with the current selected entry as a value.
        Usage Example
      • playlistReady
        The playlist layout is ready.
        Usage Example
      • playlistPlayNext
        The next clip was requested.
        Usage Example
      • playlistPlayPrevious
        The previous clip was requested.
        Usage Example
      • playlistFirstEntry
        The first clip in the playlist was loaded.
        Usage Example
      • playlistMiddleEntry
        A clip that is not the first or the last clip in the playlist was loaded.
        Usage Example
      • playlistLastEntry
        The last clip in the playlist was loaded.
        Usage Example

      Retrieving a player property

      Use the evaluate method to find out something about a player by extracting data from player components.

      evaluate (object.property.properties)

      Retrieves the value of a KDP model property or component's property, using the standard OOP dot notation inside curly braces
      • object.property.properties String The reference to the component object with data that you want to extract. Enclose the reference in curly braces within single or double quotation marks.

      Code sample:
      kWidget.addReadyCallback(function( playerId ){
      	var kdp = document.getElementById( playerId );
      	// alert the entry name
      	alert('Entry name: '+ kdp.evaluate('{mediaProxy.entry.name}') );

      Available Properties:

      • isHTML5
        A flag specifying if the current player is an HTML5 player (Universal player)
      • playerVersion
        The current version of the player library. Versions are represented in major.minor.point format
        Usage Example
      • flashVersion
        The version of Adobe Flash available. Returns 0,0,0 if Flash is not available.
        Usage Example
      • sequenceProxy.timeRemaining
        Time remaining until the end of the current ads sequence
      • sequenceProxy.duration
        The total duration of the current ad set.
      • sequenceProxy.isInSequence
        A flag specifying if the player is currently playing ads
      • sequenceProxy.skipOffsetRemaining
        During ad playback, the time remaining until the Skip button appears
      • sequenceProxy.activePluginMetadata
        Metadata object of the plugin currently playing the ads sequence
      • video.volume
        The volume of the currently playing video (0-1)
      • video.player.currentTime
        The current video time in seconds
      • video.player.width
        The current video player width in pixels.
        Usage Example
      • video.player.height
        The current video player height in pixels.
        Usage Example
      • video.buffer.lastBufferDuration
        How long the player was in a buffering state, during the last buffer event. Should be read after bufferEndEvent. Value is in seconds.
        Usage Example
      • video.buffer.lastBufferDurationMs
        Same as lastBufferDuration but in Milliseconds.
        Usage Example
      • video.buffer.bufferEndTime
        Timestamp of last buffer end, in ms.
        Usage Example
      • video.buffer.bufferStartTime
        Timestamp of last buffer start, in ms.
        Usage Example
      • video.buffer.percent
        Percentage of the video that has been buffered.
        Usage Example
      • duration
        Current video duration in seconds
      • mediaProxy.entry
        Return or set all entry properties. Entry properties include: 'id','name','description','plays','views','duration','createdAt', 'thumbnailUrl' and others. See Kaltura base entry object, in Kaltura API definition for full set of properties.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.entryCuePoints
        Return or set cue points for the current media entry. See Kaltura cuePoint object, in Kaltura API definition for full set of properties.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.entryMetadata
        Metadata object for the current entry. Enables reading custom metadata key value pairs.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.sources
        An array of HTML5 sources with src attribute for fully resolved URL and Type attribute which should match HTML5 source type value.
        Usage Example
      • mediaProxy.isLive
        Returns true, if the the current entries live broadcast is active.
      • mediaProxy.isOffline
        Returns true if the current entries live broadcast is offline.
      • mediaProxy.kalturaMediaFlavorArray
        An array holding all available flavours for the current media
      • configProxy
        The player configuration object. Allows access to all UI vars and plugin properties
      • playerStatusProxy.kdpStatus
        The player status. Can be "empty" or "ready"
      • playerStatusProxy.loadTime
        The time it took to load the player on the page
      • playlistAPI.dataProvider
        The data provider of a play list holding all the entries for this list
      • utility.random
        Utility for generating a random number
      • utility.timestamp
        Utility for generating the current time stamp
      • utility.referrer_url
        Retrieve the referrer URL
      • utility.referrer_host
        Retrieve the referrer host
      • utility.nativeAd
        The native device identifier, AdvertisingIdentifier for Apple and AdvertisingIdClient for Android.
        Usage Example

      Setting a player attribute

      Use the setKDPAttribute method to change a player attribute by setting its value.

      Code sample:

      Some plugins support runtime updates using setKDPAttribute.
      For example, the "theme" plugin supports such updates:

      var kdp = document.getElementById('kVideoTarget');
      kdp.setKDPAttribute("theme", "buttonsSize", "14");

      setKDPAttribute (object, property, value)

      Change a value of a player configuration property or component's property using the standard OOP dot notation.
      • object String A string that represents the object you want to modify. Use standard dot notation to specify sub-objects, for example, configProxy.flashvars
      • property String The player property that you want to modify.
      • value String The new value that you want to set for the player property.

      Stand Alone Player Modes

      Kaltura player supports several modes for associating content and configuration with the player. To evaluate of what is best for your integration requirements we strongly recommend consulting with Kaltura Solutions team.

      • MediaProxy Override -- Overrides media and player configuration at embed time.
        • Good for "light" integrations tests a few lines of JavaScript
        • Can be used with changeMedia, to retain CDN cache for player & config
        • Not good for portability, native apps, or player iframe services.
        • Not compatible with entity baased plugins or clip lists ( playlist, related videos, bumper )
      • Embed Services Lib -- The "embed service" library includes tools for translating your own entitiy and player JSON data store against Kaltura player provided identifiers.
        • Recommended approach for connecting the player to multiple entity services outside of Kaltura API
        • Retains portability, native apps, and player iframe services.
        • Compatible with entity baaed plugins or clip lists ( playlist, related videos, etc. )
      • Kaltura Platform API -- baseline platform data provider
        • Uses Kaltura provided entries with flexible custom MetaData store, internal and external asset urls references etc.

      MediaProxy Object

      Defines the full set of entities for mediaProxy object: